HerkulexBus class

The HerkulexBus class manages communication with Herkulex servos over a UART bus. In addition, it provides methods that affect all servos on the bus, such as performing IJog and SJog commands.


HerkulexBus::HerkulexServoBus(Stream &serial_connection);

The constructor takes exactly one argument: a Stream-like instance that represents the UART port to communicate over. For example, this can be a hardware serial port (e.g. Serial, Serial1, Serial2, Serial3) or an instance of the SoftwareSerial class.

Param Description
serial_connection Reference to a serial port to communicate over


void HerkulexBus::sendPacket(uint8_t id, HerkulexCommand cmd, const uint8_t* data = nullptr, uint8_t data_len = 0);

Sends a single data packet to the bus.

Param Description
id The ID of the target servo
cmd Which command to send, e.g. HerkulexCommand::Stat
data (optional) Pointer to a byte array that holds extra packet data
data_len (optional) Number of extra data bytes to transfer


bool HerkulexBus::sendPacketAndReadResponse(HerkulexPacket &resp, uint8_t id, HerkulexCommand cmd, const uint8_t* data = nullptr, uint8_t data_len = 0);

Sends a data packet and attempts to read a response. The method will continue to send out packets until it is successful or until it reaches HERKULEX_PACKET_RETRIES attempts.

Param Description
resp Reference to a HerkulexPacket variable where the response will be put
id The ID of the target servo
cmd Which command to send, e.g. HerkulexCommand::Stat
data (optional) Pointer to a byte array that holds extra packet data
data_len (optional) Number of extra data bytes to transfer
return True if successful, false if the method times out


void HerkulexBus::update();

This method should be called as frequently as possible in your main loop. The method checks for incoming serial data and attempts to decode the packets.


bool HerkulexBus::getPacket(HerkulexPacket &packet);

This method attempts to get a HerkulexPacket from the bus and put it in the packet variable. Returns true if successful. If no packets are available, the packet variable remains unchanged and the method returns false.

Param Description
packet Reference to a HerkulexPacket variable where the incoming packet will be put
return True if successful, false if no packets are available


void HerkulexBus::resetRxStatistics();

Resets the internal variables that keep track of data transfer statistics, i.e. number of successful packets, failed packets, retry attempts.

Note: This method is only available when the HERKULEX_DEBUG preprocessor flag is enabled.


void HerkulexBus::printRxStatistics(Stream &output);

Prints out a packet transfer statistics report, i.e. number of successful packets, failed packets, retry attempts.

Note: This method is only available when the HERKULEX_DEBUG preprocessor flag is enabled.

Param Description
output Stream to print the statistics debug message to, e.g. Serial


void HerkulexBus::prepareIndividualMove();

Prepares the bus for sending an IJog data packet. This is a single packet that contains the goal positions and playtimes of multiple servos. All subsequent calls to HerkulexServo::setPosition() and HerkulexServo::setSpeed will be stored in buffer until executeMove() is called. There is a limit to the number of moves that can be scheduled, defined by the value of HERKULEX_MAX_SCHEDULED_SERVOS.


void HerkulexBus::prepareSynchronizedMove(uint8_t playtime);

Prepares the bus for sending an HerkulexCommand::SJog data packet. This packet is similar to the HerkulexCommand::IJog packet, but only a one playtime value is specified for all servos affected by the command. All subsequent calls to HerkulexServo::setPosition() and HerkulexServo::setSpeed will be stored in buffer until executeMove() is called. There is a limit to the number of moves that can be scheduled, defined by the value of HERKULEX_MAX_SCHEDULED_SERVOS.

Param Description
playtime Duration of the move, multiply by 11.2 to calculate the duration in milliseconds.


void HerkulexBus::executeMove();

Sends out the moves scheduled by prepareIndividualMove() or prepareSynchronizedMove(). The class keeps track of which method was called, and will either send out a HerkulexCommand::IJog or a HerkulexCommand::SJog data packet.

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