HerkulexServo class

The HerkulexServo class provides a simple interface to manipulate a single servo on the bus. The class provides low-level methods for manipulating registers directly, as well as a number of higher level methods for performing common tasks.


HerkulexServo::HerkulexServo(HerkulexServoBus &bus, uint8_t id);

Constructs a HerkulexServo instance representing a servo with the specified ID.

Param Description
bus Reference to a HerkulexBus instance
id ID of the servo


void HerkulexServo::writeRam(HerkulexRamRegister reg, uint8_t val);

Write a single byte to a RAM (volatile memory) registry. Affects the behavior of the servo immediately.

Param Description
reg Address of the registry (see HerkulexRamRegister enum)
val Value to write


void HerkulexServo::writeRam2(HerkulexRamRegister reg, uint16_t val);

Write a two-byte to a RAM (volatile memory) registry. This method takes endianness into account. Affects the behavior of the servo immediately.

Param Description
reg Address of the registry (see HerkulexRamRegister enum)
val Value to write


void HerkulexServo::writeEep(HerkulexEepRegister reg, uint8_t val);

Write a single byte to an EEPROM (non-volatile memory) registry. Only affects the behavior of the servo after a reboot.

Param Description
reg Address of the registry (see HerkulexEepRegister enum)
val Value to write


void HerkulexServo::writeEep2(HerkulexEepRegister reg, uint16_t val);

Write a two-byte value to an EEPROM (non-volatile memory) registry. This method takes endianness into account. Only affects the behavior of the servo after a reboot.

Param Description
reg Address of the registry (see HerkulexEepRegister enum)
val Value to write


uint8_t HerkulexServo::readRam(HerkulexRamRegister reg);

Reads a single byte from a RAM (volatile memory) registry.

Param Description
reg Address of the registry (see HerkulexRamRegister enum)
return Value of the registry


uint16_t HerkulexServo::readRam2(HerkulexRamRegister reg);

Reads a two-byte value from a RAM (volatile memory) registry. This method takes endianness into account.

Param Description
reg Address of the registry (see HerkulexRamRegister enum)
return Value of the registry


uint8_t HerkulexServo::readEep(HerkulexEepRegister reg);

Reads a single byte from an EEPROM (volatile memory) registry.

Param Description
reg Address of the registry (see HerkulexEepRegister enum)
return Value of the registry


uint16_t HerkulexServo::readEep2(HerkulexEepRegister reg);

Reads a two-byte from an EEPROM (volatile memory) registry. This method takes endianness into account.

Param Description
reg Address of the registry (see HerkulexEepRegister enum)
return Value of the registry


void HerkulexServo::reboot();

Ask the servo to reboot.


void HerkulexServo::rollbackToFactoryDefaults(bool skipID, bool skipBaud);

Ask the servo to roll back all registries to their default values. Optionally, you can choose to keep the current value of the ID and Baud rate registries.

Param Description
skipID If true, the current ID will be kept
skipBaud If true, the current baud rate will be kept


uint8_t HerkulexServo::getID();

Returns the ID associated with the servo.


void HerkulexServo::getStatus(HerkulexStatusError &status_error, HerkulexStatusDetail &status_detail);

Requests the two status registries and puts them into the variables referenced. See the HerkulexStatusError and HerkulexStatusDetail enums for more detail.

Param Description
status_error Reference to HerkulexStatusError variable to store error information
status_detail Reference to HerkulexStatusDetail variable to store detail information


uint16_t HerkulexServo::getPosition();

Returns the current calibrated position of the servo. This position takes the HerkulexRamRegister::CalibrationDifference into account.


uint16_t HerkulexServo::getRawPosition();

Returns the current raw, uncalibrated position of the servo.


void HerkulexServo::setLedColor(HerkulexLed color);

Sets the color of the built-in LED. Refer to the HerkulexLed enum.

Param Description
color HerkulexLed enum value, e.g. HerkulexLed::Cyan


void HerkulexServo::setTorqueOn();

Turn the motor torque on. Torque needs to be turned on in order for a servo to move to its goal position.


void HerkulexServo::setTorqueOff();

Turn the motor torque off. In this mode, the servo horn can be rotated freely.


void HerkulexServo::setBrake();

Puts the motor in brake mode, meaning that it will resist movement but it will not move on its own.


void HerkulexServo::enablePositionControlMode();

Puts the servo in position control mode. In this mode, the servo will attempt to reach the specified target position. This is the default control mode.

Important: Torque needs to be turned off (setTorqueOff()) in order to change the control mode.


void HerkulexServo::enableSpeedControlMode();

Puts the servo in speed control (i.e. continuous rotation) mode. In this mode, the servo will attempt to reach the specified target speed, but it will no longer be possible to set its angle.

Important: Torque needs to be turned off (setTorqueOff()) in order to change the control mode.


void HerkulexServo::setPosition(uint16_t pos, uint8_t playtime = 0, HerkulexLed led = HerkulexLed::Ignore);

Request the servo to move to the specified position over a specified time duration. Only works in position control mode. If HerkulexBus::prepareIndividualMove() or HerkulexBus::prepareSynchronizedMove() is called on the bus, the position will be buffered until executeMove() is called. Otherwise, the command will be issued immediately. Optionally, the LED color can also be specified.

Note: The pos and playtime parameters use units that are native to the Herkulex servos, however they make little physical sense. Use the formulas shown below to calculate these values:

uint16_t pos = 512 + uint16_t(pos_degree / 0.325f);
uint8_t playtime = uint8_t(time_ms / 11.2f);

Note: In HerkulexBus::prepareSynchronizedMove() mode, the playtime parameter will be ignored. The playtime value specified in the prepareSynchronizedMove() call takes precedence.

Param Description
pos Value between 0 and 1023 indicating the goal position. A value of 512 indicates neutral.
playtime (optional) Value between 0 and 255 indicating the move duration. Each tick represents 11.2 milliseconds.
led (optional) Color of the servo's LED, will remain the same if unspecified.


void HerkulexServo::setSpeed(int16_t speed, uint8_t playtime = 0, HerkulexLed led = HerkulexLed::Ignore);

Analogous to the setPosition() method, but for use with servos in speed control mode.

Param Description
speed Value between -1023 and 1023 indicating the goal speed. Negative numbers indicate reversed direction.
playtime (optional) Value between 0 and 255 indicating the move duration. Each tick represents 11.2 milliseconds.
led (optional) Color of the servo's LED, will remain the same if unspecified.

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