

Connect the servo according to the hookup schematic shown to the left. You will need an external 7.4V power source to power the servos, e.g. a battery pack or a lab power supply. Note that Herkulex servos can draw substantial currents, up to 700mA per servo for model DRS-0201. The table below summarizes the connections.

Color Herkulex Arduino
GND GND (Note: make sure the power supply ground and Arduino ground are connected.)
VDD 7.4V power supply
TXD Pin 8 (SoftwareSerial RX)
RXD Pin 9 (SoftwareSerial TX)

Include the library

Include the appropriate header files at the top of your sketch.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <CircularBuffer.h>
#include <HerkulexServo.h>

Communication bus setup

The next step is to create a HerkulexBus object. This object manages the communication layer and is shared between all servos. The HerkulexBus constructor takes one parameter: the serial port to use. This can either be a hardware UART or a software UART. On an Arduino Uno, you may opt to use a software serial port so that the hardware port can still be used to communicate with the host computer (e.g. to use the serial monitor).

Using a software serial port on pin 8 (RX) and 9 (TX):

SoftwareSerial   servo_serial(8, 9); // RX, TX
HerkulexServoBus herkulex_bus(servo_serial);

Using one of the 4 hardware serial ports on the Arduino Mega:

HerkulexServoBus herkulex_bus(Serial1);

Adding servo instances

Now that the communication bus is set up, HerkulexServo instances can be added. This object lets you do things with the servo, such as setting its position or reading its parameters. The HerkulexServo constructor takes two parameters: the HerkulexBus instance and the servo ID.

Note: Each servo needs to be configured with a unique ID. This value is stored on the internal EEPROM memory of the servo. Multiple servos with the same ID on the same bus will cause problems.

Define three servo instances with IDs 10, 11, and 12.

HerkulexServo servo_a(herkulex_bus, 10);
HerkulexServo servo_b(herkulex_bus, 11);
HerkulexServo servo_c(herkulex_bus, 12);

Initialize the serial port

In your setup() function, initialize the serial port.

Note: Make sure to use the correct Baud rate for your servos. By default, the Baud rate is set to 115200. This value is stored on the internal EEPROM memory of the servo and can be changed. A baud rate mismatch will cause communication problems, and the LED on the servos will blink red.

Using a SoftwareSerial instance:

void setup() {

Using a hardware serial port:

void setup() {

Update the bus

The HerkulexBus instance needs to periodically read data from the serial port. the update() method needs to be called as often as possible. Add the following line in the beginning of your loop() function.

void loop() {

Each Herkulex servo has a built-in RGB LED. Let's make them blink. In your loop() function, add the following code.

Note: Because this simple example uses delay(), the update() method is only called once per second. In a real application, you would want to rewrite your sketch to use millis() for timing. This way, the bus is updated much more frequently.

void loop() {


  delay (500);


  delay (500);

Turn the power on

The motor inside the Herkulex servo can be set to three different states:

  • setTorqueOff() — The servo can be moved freely. The servo starts up in this mode.
  • setBrake() — The servo will resist motion but will not move on its own.
  • setTorqueOn() — The servo will actively try to move to its target position.

In most cases, we want to use the servo with the torque on. Use the setTorqueOn() method to power up the servo.

Add a setTorqueOn() call in your setup function:

void setup() {

Moving one servo

Now for the fun part... Let's make a servo move using the setPosition() method. setPosition() takes three parameters:

  • pos — This number indicates the target position to move to. pos is a unitless number ranging from 0 to 1023. 512 is the neutral position, and each tick represents an increment of 0.325°.
  • playtime (Optional) — The time it should take to perform the animation. This parameter ranges from 0 to 255, and each tick represents 11.2 milliseconds. If unspecified, the servo will move as fast as possible to the target position.
  • color (Optional) — You can also specify a new color for the servo's LED. This parameter should be a member of the HerkulexLed enum, e.g. HerkulexLed::White.


To calculate the position parameter from a position value in degrees, use the following formula:

uint16_t pos = 512 + uint16_t(pos_degree / 0.325f);

To calculate the playtime from a duration in milliseconds, use the following formula:

uint8_t playtime = uint8_t(time_ms / 11.2f);

Use the following code in your loop:

unsigned long last_update = 0;
unsigned long now = 0;
bool toggle = false;

void loop() {

  now = millis();

  if ( (now - last_update) > 1000) {
    // called every 1000 ms
    if (toggle) {
      // move to -69° over a duration of 560ms
      servo_a.setPosition(300, 50);
    } else {
      // move to +29° over a duration of 560ms
      servo_a.setPosition(600, 50);

    last_update = now;
    toggle = !toggle;

Moving multiple servos

The Herkulex communication protocol also lets you issue multiple move commands in a single data packet. This method is preferred because the microcontroller spends less time communicating with the servo bus, freeing up resources to do other things. First, call the servo bus prepareIndividualMove() method. Then, use the servo setPosition() method to queue up position commands, same as before. Finally, call the servo bus executeMove() method to send out the data packet.


servo_a.setPosition(235, 25);  // -90° over 280ms
servo_b.setPosition(512, 50);  // 0° over 560ms
servo_c.setPosition(789, 75);  // +90° over 840ms

Coordinated moves

Finally, it is also possible to make multiple servos move synchronously over the same time duration using the prepareSynchronizedMove() method. Each servo will move to a different target position, but they will arrive at the same time.

Note: The playtime parameter in the setPosition() method will be ignored in synchronized move mode.

servo_bus.prepareSynchronizedMove(50); // 560ms
servo_a.setPosition(235);  // -90°
servo_b.setPosition(512);  // 0°
servo_c.setPosition(789);  // +90°

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